here, we come for students. as we all know that students have low budget for their diet plans. and also they dont have much time to eat many meals a day. so here we will discus how they can have proper meal which their body require for bodybuilding in low cost and less time.
morning meal.
So here we start from the first meal of the day. it should be compose of proteins, good fats, carbohydrates and fibers so you will feel energetic full day and your body will not be lacking of any important thing which it need.
You need 6 eggs in your breakfast. 2 whole eggs and 4 egg whites. Its your choice whether you like omelet, fry eggs or boiled. it will provide you necessary amount of proteins, minerals and fats. 1 egg contains 83 calories, 8.3 g protein, 5.7 g fats. It is also full of vitamins like vitamin D and vitamin E.
Peanut butter.
The other important thing which you need to have is peanut butter. you can replace it with any-other type of butter like almond, walnut butter etc. It depends on your choice. It will provide you with good fats. which is very good for your heart and body. It will also help you to increase your testosterone level.
Mostly while doing bodybuilding we have our all focus on proteins and carbs. But fats also play important role they are as important as protein but not in that huge quantity. Because cell membrane is composed of lipids and lipids are fats.
Oats are also very important in bodybuilding meals. Specially in morning because you need energy to complete your daily work. Oats are full of carbohydrates so they will provide you energy. Oats are also in rich with minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. You can add milk, honey and blueberry or other berries, bananas to increase the taste and to increase amount of minerals and calcium other compounds.
It is the best breakfast you can do to have a good body. It will also give you all the important macro and micro nutrients which your body need whole day.
These tips are too much good anf these tips will also help the shrink bodies to gain weight and a good body. 😊